React Conf 2017, the benefits of React Router v4, and a cartoon intro to Fiber
React Conf 2017!
This week we decided to share some of our favorite talks from React Conf 2017! There were a lot of really interesting and exciting things discussed this year. Click here to view all of the talks.
React Router v4 just launched and it's better than ever. In this talk Michael and Ryan talk about the benefits of the new API.
Lin Clark is incredibly gifted at demystifying complicated subjects. At React Conf 2017 she dives into React Fiber.
Guillermo talks about Next.js and how it makes universal React easy and fun!
MobX and Redux are both tools used to manage larger React applications. They both accomplish the same thing but in different ways, Preethi dives into both of them and gives us a solid comparison.
Type checking is a fairly controversial issue in JavaScript development. A lot of people like the idea of a non typed language, but lately there was been a push towards making js typed with tools like Flow or languages like TypeScript. Jared talks to us about how types can make you a better js developer.
Leland talks about integrating ReactNative into large existing native apps.
Neehar gives us a guide into code splitting!
Merrick talks about using React to build tools in new and interesting ways.