React Newsletter #402

Next.js 14.1, Waku v0.19, and Delicious donut components with RSC

How to use OAuth to add authentication to your React app

This free tutorial from FusionAuth shows you how to implement an OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization code grant by abstracting away some of the trickier problems away from your codebase and onto FusionAuth. [sponsored]


Next.js 14.1

Highlights of this release include Turbopack improvements, better error messages, parallel & intercepted routes, and next/image improvements (including dark mode support).

Waku v0.19

This release marks a shift from Waku being a theoretical implementation of RSC, towards it becoming a lightweight, production-ready React framework for small to medium-sized React projects. It also introduces a new, low-level routing API called createPages, which allows you to create layouts and pages programmatically.


Delicious Donut Components

In this interactive guide, Maxi Ferreira walks through a few patterns for how you can take full advantage of composition in the world of RSC, using donuts as an analogy.

Upcoming features for client-only React apps

Ricky Hanlon from the React core team wrote this Twitter thread about some of the upcoming client features that he's most excited about.

Kind of annoyed at React

Cassidy Williams shares some of her frustrations with the current state of React, including the fact that there hasn't been a new release in over 18 months, how long it took to write new documentation, and more. On a similar note, Tom MacWright (creator of Val Town) wrote a short post about how he's Increasingly miffed about the state of React releases.

The Query Options API

Dominik Dorfmeister (aka TkDodo) writes about the new Query Options API in React Query v5, which he calls "one of the biggest breaking changes" in the library's history.

React Libraries for 2024

Robin Wieruch wrote this fairly comprehensive list of React libraries you might consider using for various parts of your application, including state management, starting a new project, adding animation, routing, and lots more.


Remix is for web apps

Remix co-creator, Ryan Florence created this live demo app of a Trello clone with drag-and-drop functionality to show off some key Remix features. He walks through these features in a few different videos as well.

State of Data Survey

Take this 7-minute survey about the state of data in full-stack web applications, and you'll be automatically entered to win over $1,000 in prizes -- like AirPods, Amazon gift cards, and more. [sponsored]

Create Rust App

Allows you to set up a modern Rust + React web app by running one command.


React form validation explained - Next.js and Astro

In this 20-minute video, Ben Holmes from the Astro team walks you through a full-stack solution to React form validation with Next.js and Astro.

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