React Newsletter #360

Our next big thing 👀, new updates from the React team, and rethinking React best practices

Introducing 🕹️ -- The interactive way to master modern React.

We've spent the last year working (in secret) on something big, and I think you'll really like it.

Here’s a Tweet thread I wrote about why we’re excited about it and why it took so long to make. If you've ever enjoyed any of my content, please check it out and consider sharing 🙏.

And with that, let's get back to React Newsletter.

Today's issue is sponsored by Sleuth

They created this Deployment Milestone Checklist to help your team gradually go from zero to one hundred deployments a day with a series of achievable tasks. It's worth checking out.


What The React Team Has Been Working On

In this article, the React team shares the latest info and progress on React Server Components, asset loading, the React optimizing compiler, and more.

Next.js App Router now supports static exports

This lets you start with a static site or SPA, then later upgrade to use features that require a server. Check out Lee Robinson's tweet thread for more info.

react devtools injected script will no longer show up in Network tab

H/T to Dan Abramov's tweet for highlighting this change.


Rethinking React best practices

This article by Frontend Mastery is a great deep dive into React's evolution from client-side view library to application architecture.

Making Tanstack Table 1000x faster with a one-line change

That's a pretty juicy title. In this article, JP Camara breaks down exactly what that one-line change was and why it resulted in such a big performance boost for Tanstack Table.

The Ultimate React Conference is coming to you -- in Miami Beach!

Join 28+ amazing speakers like Kent C. Dodds, Ken Wheeler, Rizel Scarlett, Una Kravets, and many more in Miami Beach for 2 full days on April 20-21. Check out the full lineup of talks here. [sponsored]

Advanced Next.js Concepts

This article goes over a few more advanced Next.js concepts and provides code examples to demonstrate how to use them in your applications.

Next.js and Rust: An Innovative Approach to Full-Stack Development.

Josh Mo wrote this step by step tutorial of how to build a simple app that uses Next.js on the frontend and Rust (via the Axum web framework) on the backend. It's probably a little overengineered for most use cases, but it's really interesting to see Next and Rust used together like this.

Migrate to Vite from Create React App (CRA)

Robin Wieruch made this quick migration guide to Vite from Create React App, because (besides Next.js) Vite is the natural successor to CRA for creating modern React SPAs.


The 2023 Get Hired Summit

Looking for a new job? The team is hosting a free, virtual event on April 26th to help job seekers in technical roles learn from recruiting leaders at Dropbox, Sonatype,, and more.


Docusaurus 2.4 🦖

Highlights for this release include sidebar item descriptions, theme query strings, an improved error message experience, and more. Congrats to Sébastien Lorber and the rest of the Docusaurus team!

Storybook for React Native (6.5)

React Native Storybook is a specialized version of Storybook that focuses on creating and organizing stories for components made with React Native rather than HTML and CSS. This release comes with performance improvements, support for Component Story Format, controls and args support, and more.


Smarter and Simpler React State

In this 27-minute video, Jack Herrington shares how you can use global state management solutions (like Jotai and Zustand) to manage state locally -- without getting dependency errors.

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