React Newsletter #359, Wirte your own reactive signal library, and Internationalization in Next.js 13 with RSCs

Today's issue is sponsored by Dynaboard.

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New React Docs 🥳

The new React docs have been years in the making, and they finally just went live at


Writing Your Own Reactive Signal Library

Signals are everywhere in the world of frontend these days. In this article, Luke Shafer demonstrates how to build your own Reactive Signal library, so that you can get a better understanding of this technique for "fine-grained reactivity" used by frameworks like Preact, Qwik, and SolidJS.

Internationalization In Next.js 13 With React Server Components

Jan Amann uses an example of a multi-lingual app that displays street photography images to explore next-intl to implement all internationalization needs in React Server Components. He also shares a helpful technique for introducing interactivity with a minimalistic client-side footprint.

Monitoring your React Native application

Looking for a good way to monitor your React Native app? This section of their documentation breaks down exactly how it works and how you can easily get started with it on a real-world React Native app. [sponsored]

Beautiful and mind-bending effects with WebGL Render Targets

In this article, Maxime Heckel dives deep into the concept of Render Targets -- a term that can seem a little confusing or opaque at first. But Maxime breaks down both the why and how of what makes it such a powerful and versatile tool for creating 3D scenes.

Lazy Loading Routes in React Router 6.4+

Matt Brophy explains how React Router 6.4 introduced the concept of a "Data Router" for separating data fetching from rendering. In this article, he dives deeper into how you can use those data routers to eliminate render + fetch chains and the spinners that come along with them.

10 Years of Electron

Electron just celebrated its 10-year anniversary, so Erick Zhao wrote this fun retrospective of how the project got started, what the team has learned along the way, and where they plan to go from here.


Tremors v2.0

This library lets you create simple and modular components to easily build insightful dashboards, and this v2 release comes with className exposure and a new, Tailwind-first approach.

React-Hook-Form Resolvers v3.0

The popular form library for React also built this set of validation resolvers for Yup, Zod, AJV, Joi, Vest, and more. This 3.0 release adds a few minor features (like a new classValidationResolver and updates to yupResolver) and fixes some bugs.


My issue with the new React docs

In this 5-minute video, popular tech YouTuber, Hitesh Choudhary walks through the new React docs and shares the things he likes and doesn't like about how they were structured and the content itself.

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