React Newsletter #285

useRef for dummies, Expo mega demo, and Mantine 3.0

This week’s issue is sponsored by Progress KendoReact.

Data grids are essential for many business apps. You may be tempted (or kindly asked) to write one someday. Before you start... read this blog post: "5 Reasons Not to Write Your JavaScript Data Grid from Scratch."

You'll be glad you did.


React announces new official React DevTool Team

This 4-person team will "support Developer Tooling across the family of React technologies (including React Native and Relay)," with the goal of providing excellent DX and UX.


Pagination in Javascript and React, with a custom usePagination() hook

This guide by Damilola Jerugba will help you understand the concept of pagination and how to implement it in React, although the concepts in this tutorial can be applied to any JavaScript project.

How React Native Made Me Love Mobile-First Development

Elias Nahum from the Mattermost team writes about how he wasn't too excited when he was first asked to start building prototypes for his team's mobile apps, but how (and why) he immediately loved working with React Native.

React useRef Hook for Dummies: How to Use useRef Correctly with Examples

In this article, Ammar Ahmed discusses how to use the React useRef hook correctly and explores a few different use cases for useRef.


React Native Engineer at IGN (Remote)

IGN, the premier publisher of video game and entertainment news, is looking for a full time React Native engineer to join our team and help build out the next generation of mobile apps. If you are interested, we'd love to talk. Apply now!


Converting a React component to TypeScript

In this tutorial, Matti Bar-Zeev walks through how to modify a simple component in a WordSearch game to start utilizing TypeScript.


Expo Mega Demo

A repo that features a few amazing experiments with some new awesome React Native and Expo features. Created by Bartłomiej Klocek.

Mantine 3.0

The popular React components and hooks library just released v3.0 -- which features ten new components, a new Popper.js integration, performance improvements by migrating from react-jss to emotion, and more. Created by Vitaly Rtishchev and the rest of the Mantine team.


A beautiful, fast and modern React UI library, created by the NextUI team (not the Next.js team).


A library that lets you detect devices, and render view according to detected device type.

React Preview

This project (stil in beta) gives you instant previews of React components and Storybook stories in your IDE without requiring you to write any extra code. Created by Zenc Labs.


A React component to display your 3D models in a Carousel-like fashion inside your application, using three.js and react-three-fiber.

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