React Newsletter #256

React Native 0.64, React's API revolution, and a comparison with Svelte.

This week’s issue is sponsored by Hostman.

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Announcing React Native 0.64 with Hermes on iOS

This React Native release ships with support for Hermes on iOS. Hermes is an open source JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native. It improves performance by decreasing memory utilization, reducing download size and decreasing the time it takes for the app to become usable or “time to interactive” (TTI).


React API evolution

Alex Kotliarskyi (who works on React Native at Facebook) writes about the the evolution of the React API since its earliest days. He specifically talks about defining components and sharing common code between components.

Comparing Svelte and React

In this in-depth article, Jack Franklin from the Chrome DevTools team writes about his experience building a side project Pomodoro app in React and later in Svelte. He talks about about his preferences and what he finds easier and harder with each framework.

Flutter vs Native vs React-Native: Examining performance

Is the old stereotype that "cross platform apps are slow" still true? This article tries to answer that question and by sharing the results of performance tests showing mathematical calculations of number Pi implemented in various native and cross-platform approaches.

My experiences creating a Netflix clone using micro-frontends

In this article, Dante De Ruwe goes over what microfrontends are, why they are useful, and what frameworks exist to make implementing them easier. He also share my experiences creating a project by myself using React and Piral, an open-source framework for creating modular applications.


Creating a web application using React, Yarn workspaces, TypeScript, esbuild, and Express

This in-depth tutorial, Aymeric Chauvin walks through each step of setting up a minimal web application using Yarn's workspace, TypeScript, esbuild, Express, and React in a monorepo pattern.

Add Voice Recognition to React Native Without Adding the Cloud

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add offline speech recognition to a simple React Native clock app.

Lazy loading React Native components from a server

Sarath walks us through his method for adding placeholders to an app that can display content fetched from a server. He also demonstrates how to build and host that content on the server as React Native components. Doing this allows you to push new, feature-rich content to mobile apps without pushing app store updates.


SimipleR State

SimpleR State bills itself as "the simplest app state management for React" thanks to a minimalist API, easy-to-unit-test state logic, and the way it allows you to use plain functions to update state. It's smade specifically for React, and built on React hooks.


A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React. Created by Atlassian Labs.


react-ssr-prepass is a partial server-side React renderer that does a prepass on a React element tree and suspends when it finds thrown promises. It also accepts a visitor function that can be used to suspend on anything.


How to make it Rain with CSS Animation, React, & Styled Components

In this 20-minute video, Chris Power shows you how to make emojis rain down on your site. He specifically makes it rain the poop emoji, but you could do whatever you want. This is a fun, light tutorial that might teach you something new about making React, Styled Components, and CSS work nicely together.

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