React Newsletter #184

Why React hooks, how to use the useContext hook, and a React dashboard guide


Why Is React Concurrent Mode Exciting?

Last week the React team released an experimental version of Concurrent Mode to the public. It's been in development for over a year and the React community has been very excited about its release. What is Concurrent Mode? The documentation pages has a nice and concise description:

"Concurrent Mode is a set of new features that help React apps stay responsive and gracefully adjust to the user’s device capabilities and network speed." However if you don't know how Concurrent Mode works or what it actually lets you do you may be left wondering, "Why all the excitement?" If that's you then this blog post is for you.

Why React Hooks?

"When React Hooks were released, React was the most popular and most loved front-end framework in the JavaScript ecosystem. In this post, you'll learn why, despite existing praise, the React team dedicated so many resources to creating and releasing Hooks. Along the way, you'll also get a soft introduction to the main aspects of the Hooks API.


How to Use the useContext Hook in React

This tutorial explores the React useContext Hook by walking you through the building of a media player. It also describes the benefits of using React Context in long component trees, When to add state to a Context, the benefits of abstracting out common logic into a custom React Hook, and more.

React Dashboard Guide

This is helpful guide for building dynamic analytics dashboards and applications with React, GraphQL, and Cube.js."


React developers are in demand on Vettery

Vettery is an online hiring marketplace that's changing the way people hire and get hired. Ready for a bold career move? Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today. Get started today.


react-zen: React utilities for working with APIs

Suspense enabled hooks to Automatically fetch and purge snapshots from REST APIs, Supports manual updates/refreshes.

Formik 2.0 - Build forms in React, without the tears

Formik is a small library that helps you with the 3 most annoying parts of building forms in React:

  1. Getting values in and out of form state
  2. Validation and error messages
  3. Handling form submission\

By colocating all of the above in one place, Formik will keep things organized--making testing, refactoring, and reasoning about your forms a breeze.

SWR - React Hooks for Remote Data Fetching

SWR first returns the data from cache (stale), then sends the fetch request (revalidate), and finally comes with the up-to-date data again. The name “SWR” is derived from stale-while-revalidate, a HTTP cache invalidation strategy popularized by RFC 5861.


Andrew Clark on Concurrent Mode | React Podcast

On this episode of React Podcast, Chantastic chats with Andrew Clark. Andrew is a core team member who cut his React teeth on the fiber re-write and he's been deep in Concurrent React for 3 years. They chat about future features, prerelease channels, and how Suspense is preparing the way for others to bring cooperative concurrency to their libraries, applications, and frameworks.

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