TypeScript support, React hooks demystified, and a simple intro to React hooks
Create React App now supports TypeScript.
There's no better way to learn how something works than to re-create it and this article does exactly that with a simple implementation of the new React Hooks API.
This is a fantastic introduction to dives into both the "why" and "what" behind React's new Hooks API.
If you're feeling even a little overwhelmed by the new Hooks proposal, read this post. Dan breaks down why Hooks came to be and the most common misconceptions others are having about them.
This is a good article summarizing all the new features of React 16.6 including React.memo, React.lazy, static contextTypes and more.
A collection of awesome React hooks resources.
Browser API's turned into React Hooks and Suspense-friendly React elements for common situations.
Passage helps when linking or redirecting to routes that may or may not be in your react app. The idea is simple: Wrap Passage around your routes so it knows what routes have been defined in your app. Then, using the Link and Redirect components from Passage will honor the HTML5 history API if the route is within your app, otherwise falling back to other means such as anchor tags or location redirects.
A small collection of useful hooks for React 16.7.
If you missed React Conf, here's the full playlist of all the talks.