AWS AppSync, setting up and getting used to Gatsby, and how to write a HOC in 3 easy steps
The AWS AppSync GraphQL service offers real-time updates and built-in offline support along with first class integration with ElasticSearch, DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda. In this post, you'll learn how to get up and running with it.
Gatsby is a static site generator for React that released its first major version last month. It’s a tool that not only scaffolds projects (or websites) for you but claims that those sites are fast in performance. This post walks through its setup and provides some helpful tips for getting started.
A mark of a good software developer is being able to recognize patterns in code and being able to write a generic solution for that pattern. This post will walk you through how and when you should use a Higher Order Component.
In the past year, the Red Hat team has re-written one of their internal apps from Angular to React. Much of what they learned has been from experiencing pain points in development, or inefficiencies, and either researching others’ best practices or experimenting with what works best for them. Here's a post about their experience.
Have you ever wondered why Gmail obfuscate its CSS class names and how you can do it too? Smaller bundle size == less amount of data to transfer over network. Make your CSS bundle size 25%+ smaller, with this automated procedure.
This post takes off where part one left off and will continue the walk-through of simple component rendering, from the point of batchedMountComponentIntoNode().
A Chrome developer tool extension to inspect performance of React components.
A set of Material Design component library for Mithril and React.
In this video you'll learn how to create React forms with Formik. Formik is a lightweight library that makes it easy to setup real-world forms. Features like state management, validation, and asynchronous support are all built in.
ReasonML is the new up and coming language build by some former React core team members. This talk is a great introduction to the whys and hows behind ReasonML.